The reason I decided to go to Pet Safari was obviously due to my mission! Pet Safari, is I believe, the largest pet store with the largest selection of pet products in the country.
In the hour that I spent in Pet Safari, I am sad to say that I did not find very many items there that were cruelty free.
I spent about a half hour reading as many labels as I can on dry food for dogs, and did not find a single dry food within Pet Safari that stated that it was manufactured ethically or that it was cruelty free.
I spent the second half hour, turning over bottles of shampoo to check their labels, and only found 3 cruelty free shampoos - out of perhaps 30 0r so bottles that I managed to check.
These are:

As you can imagine I was quite disheartened when I left the store as I only managed to find 3 items in the store that was cruelty free after a whole hour

So here's hoping that you find this information helpful, and once again I would appreciate feedback from everyone to help stop animal testing.
I checked out the shop I frequent to see if there were many/any products that were cruelty free. I'm sad to say that here too, a minimal amount of products sold there met that criteria... :C
Hi Pete
Yes is is quite depressing that there aren't many options with reference to cruelty free products.
I guess we all just have to try a bit harder...
Cleo has already made the switch to Earth Bath shampoo and will gradually be switching to Lamaderm food.
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