Monday, July 23, 2007


Dear all,

The rescued doggie with the broken leg has been put to sleep. It was a very difficult to decision for me to make, but it was for the best.

His blood test came back on Friday evening and all his vital organs were severely damaged and his blood count was very low. He probably would not have survived the surgery, and even if he did, he would not have survived the post surgery medication.

I went to see him before he was put to sleep, and said a little prayer for him. I hope that he will find a better place on the other side of rainbow bridge where no one can hurt him anymore.

I am still very upset with having to make this decision, but am even more upset that there can be humans that are so heartless as to run over a living being and just leaving it to suffer on its own. This poor boy would have died a slow and painful death if I hadn't found him when I did.

The only consolation that I have is the fact that at least his last days were spent in a place where he was cared for with no pain, and that he had some peace and quiet and some decent food.


Katherine and Pippa said...

So sorry Natasha

Kate and Pippa

Natasha Fernz said...

It was quite sad to see him go, but it was for the best.

Thanks Kate and Pippa.

Natasha & Cleo

One Little Birdie said...

Natasha, the puppy knows what love and good care are thanks to good sameritans like you.

Anonymous said...

Natasha, I came across your blog while googling about Dr John of Hayward Animal Clinic for our kitten, Mimi. Like the dog you rescued, Mimi developed complication breathing after a 7-year old girl on vacation to Langkawi kicked her mercilessly. She died two days ago and it was a profound loss to us and those who came together in their own way to save her. You're doing a great job standing up for these animals. Let me know if I can be of help.
